Guiding services and transportation


Services Prices (USD)


English: 1 hour (2 hours min.)

Full day (6-7 hours)








Private car/minivan service

1 hour (3 hours min.)

Full day (6-7 hours) 

Transfer to/from the airport


20/ 30

120 / 180

80/ 100 (car/ minivan)





* Рrices are per tour, not per person.
Prices are for a group of 1-5 pax.

Group of 6 pax and more: plus 10% for each extra person
Group of 11 pax and more: plus 5% for each extra person




ИП Шубина С.Ю. Адрес: 125319, Россия, Москва, Кочновский проезд, д.4, к.2, кв. 606 ИНН 772577209603